Public Meeting Notice: Klickitat County Comprehensive Plan
April 10 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Klickitat County is in the initial stages of a two-year project to update the Comprehensive Plan, which was last fully updated in 1979, and we need citizen input! The Klickitat County Comprehensive Plan is the primary land use document to implement the community’s vision for future growth and development while protecting livability, culture, natural resources, and the environment. The Comprehensive Plan is at a higher level than the zoning code and the State requires periodic updates in all counties and cities. The County needs citizen input and there are multiple upcoming opportunities to participate.
Interactive community outreach meetings will be held in five (5) different locations across the County. Each of these interactive meetings will include the same content, thus offering multiple opportunities to participate. Participation will be in-person only due to the interactive nature of these meetings. All five (5) interactive Community Outreach Meetings will be from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the following locations:
- Goldendale, County Services Building – March 13
- White Salmon, Pioneer Center – March 20
- Trout Lake, Grange Hall – April 10
- Bickleton, Location TBD – April 17
- Dallesport, Community Center – May 1
From March thru June, the regular monthly Planning Commission meetings, among other topics, will also be available for input and comments on the Klickitat County Comprehensive Plan update process. Both In-person and online testimony will be considered in the Planning Commission meetings. 6:00 p.m. on March 17, April 21, May 19, & June 16 Board Room in the County Services Building 115 West Court Street, Goldendale.
Additional information can be obtained in person from the Planning Department, via email at planning2@klickitatcounty.org or online at: www.klickitatcounty.org/272/Planning-Department