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Our Mission
TroutLake.org is a comprehensive resource guide for residents and visitors to the Trout Lake, Washington area. Our mission is to promote local businesses, support the activities of local nonprofit organizations, and celebrate the wonders of the natural world that surrounds and sustains us.
TroutLake.org serves West Klickitat County, Washington… Trout Lake, Glenwood, BZ Corner, Husum, and the Mt. Adams Ranger District of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.
TroutLake.org is funded and supported by local businesses, organizations, and individual angel contributions from folks just like you.

Ways to Support TroutLake.org
This website is a labor of love maintained by Trout Lake resident, Dave Wampler. Following are some ways you can help Dave grow and improve this community website.
Make a Financial Contribution
Join our growing list of Donors & Sponsors. Any amount, large or small, helps cover the costs - several thousand dollars each year - to keep this website going and growing.
List Your Business or Organization in Our Business Directory
TroutLake.org receives ~40,000 unique visitors each year. Make sure your business, service or organization can be found by area residents and the many visitors to the area. Free listings are available. Paid listings are reasonably priced with the option to become a Sponsor if you have the ability to further support the growth of TroutLake.org. Learn More...
Post Your Event or Meeting in the Info Center
Let others know about your upcoming meetings and events. Even if you have posted an announcement elsewhere - the local E-Newsletter, on other calendars, put up posters - the TroutLake.org Info-Center Calendar reaches folks that might not see your other posts.
Contact Us. Share Your Ideas. Send Feedback.
Let us know how we can better serve the community.
Share TroutLake.org With Your Family, Friends, and Social Media Group
Use the Social Media Share buttons found on most pages and link your social media pages, groups, and website to "https://troutlake.org."
Help Us Improve Content
Report outdated information, broken links, spelling, or grammar errors. Suggest new or enhanced content for our Visitors Guide, Emergency, Crisis and Care page, or anything else you think of that will help us better serve the community.
Write an Article. Share a Photo.
Contribute something you are passionate about: Gardening Tips, Wild Mushrooms, Huckleberry Recipes, Hiking & Camping Adventures, Stargazing, Surviving Winter.... You get the idea.
A Brief History of TroutLake.org
TroutLake.org 1.0
2002 - 2010
TroutLake.org began as a community service project. It was created by Dave Wampler, Trout Lake resident and Founder of SimpleLiving.net (1996-2010). Dave used his experience in web design and hosting to build the first version of TroutLake.org.
TroutLake.org 2.0
2011 - 2020
After 15 years behind a computer screen, Dave took a much-needed break from the internet to pursue other interests. The Trout Lake Area Business Association took on the task of maintaining their own version of a Trout Lake community website using TroutLakeWashington.com.
TroutLake.org 3.0
2021 - March 2022
During the early days of the COVID Pandemic, Dave had a lot of extra time on his hands. After asking…
“What can I do with all this free time that uses my skills to most benefit my community?”
…he took the opportunity to bring his web design and hosting up to current standards and began crafting a new TroutLake.org.
After seeing a rough draft, the Business Association passed operation of the community website back to Dave. The TroutLake.org you see today was launched in early 2021 with support from a wide range of community businesses, services, and organizations.
TroutLake.org 3.1
April 2022 - April 2023
TroutLake.org 3.2
April 2023 - Present
New design technology became available that makes TroutLake.org more usable on all platforms – desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Over the course of several months, we have applied this tech to make things easier for us to maintain and grow, and more organized and easier to navigate for you.
We hope you enjoy TroutLake.org, will support our efforts, and send your feedback to let us know how we can better serve you.