DIAL 911 If You Are in Immediate Danger

DIAL 911
If You Are in Immediate Danger
DIAL 911
If You Are in Immediate Danger
911 Emergency Services
911 Emergency ServicesDIAL 911 If You Are in Immediate DangerDIAL 911 If You Are in Immediate Danger
- What do I need to know when I call 911?
- Why does 911 ask so many questions?
- 911 operators are trained to ask specific questions to determine the most appropriate response. When it is a medical call the operator is typing in all the information. This information is then relayed to the first responders. The first responders will then know what they will need for the call as well as what they should expect when they arrive.
- What if I (or my children) accidentally dial 911?
- DO NOT HANG UP!! Before you hang up, be sure to tell the dispatcher that you have dialed 911 by mistake, and that, “You Do Not Have An Emergency.”
Trout Lake Volunteer Fire Department & EMS
Trout Lake Volunteer Fire Department & EMSKlickitat County Fire District 1DIAL 911 If You Are in Immediate Danger
- Will Altig: 541-490-0891
- Bob Jolley: 509-395-2349 or 541-490-1733
- Pat Kelly: 360-904-4818 patkelly414@gmail.com
- Bill Leslie: 509-637-3044 billbbilly@yahoo.com
- Tyanne Parker: 509 395 2788 parkerlee@embarqmail.com
- Eula Smith: 509-395-2043
2483 Highway 141 Trout Lake WA 98650
Fire & Emergency Preparedness
Trout Lake Emergency Handbook
Web Resource & PDF. The Trout Lake Emergency Handbook focuses on the basics of preparing for emergencies – those things every family should do to prepare for the most common emergencies – and goes into depth about situations most likely to occur in our community: wildfires, severe storms, power outages, floods and lahars. This handbook is available as a PDF download and as an interactive online resource with additional information that does not fit in the limited space of the print edition. Source: Trout Lake Community Council.
Fire Adapted Community Trout Lake (FACT)
Website. Fire Adapted Community of Trout Lake (FACT) strives to raise awareness and increase knowledge about wildfire risk and preparedness, and guide the community to become resilient to wildfire. Members include representatives from the Trout Lake Fire Department, Mt. Adams Resource Stewards, Trout Lake Community Council and interested citizens, in partnership with the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington Department of Natural Resources and the Underwood Conservation District. FACT holds regular meetings open to the public.
Trout Lake Community Wildfire Protection Plan
PDF. Draft Document: November 2005. Source: Trout Lake Volunteer Fire Department & EMS.
Outdoor Burning Guide
PDF. Fact Sheet; Outdoor Burning Checklist; Backyard Burning; Slash Burning; Agricultural Burning. Source: State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
Living With Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner
PDF. Source: NFPA - Firewise USA and The University of Nevada, Reno.
All Hazards Preparedness for Rural Communities
PDF. Comprehensive. A guide to help rural agriculture communities prepare for threats to their families, farms, animals and businesses. Source: The Center for Food Security & Public Health, Iowa State University.
Klickitat County Department of Emergency Management
Website. Multiple resources.

Emergency Notification Services
Mt. Adams Area Emergency Information Page
"Like" to receive notifications in your Facebook News Feed.
Trout Lake Volunteer Fire Department & EMS
"Like" to receive notifications in your Facebook News Feed.
Klickitat County 911 Dispatch / Emergency Management on Facebook
"Like" to receive notifications in your Facebook News Feed.
Sign up for Klickitat County's Emergency Notification System
Klickitat County uses an Emergency Notification System called Code RED. It is completely free and an essential part of staying safe. The system sends out notification to anyone that is signed up that could potentially be affected by an emergency situation. Sign up for Klickitat County's ENS and be informed so that you can keep yourself, your family, and your loved ones safe!
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Dial: 988
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Web Page. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We're committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.
Domestic Abuse & Violence
If you are in crisis involving domestic abuse or violence:
WAGAP • Washington Gorge Action Programs
WAGAP • Washington Gorge Action ProgramsHelp with Food • Shelter • Energy Assistance • Domestic Violence Prevention…Helping people. Changing lives.
Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Action Agency that helps individuals, families, and communities. WAGAP addresses basic human needs such as food, shelter, and energy assistance, and more, in Klickitat and Skamania Counties. For more than 50 years, WAGAP has helped people help themselves and reach self-sufficiency.
115 West Steuben Street Bingen WA 98605
Helping Hands Against Violence
Helping Hands Against ViolenceHelping Hands Against Violence (HHAV) is a non-profit organization in Hood River, Oregon. HHAV serves all survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence or stalking through advocacy, shelter, education and outreach. Our trauma-informed confidential advocates are on-call 24/7. If you need to talk to an advocate, feel free to call our crisis line anytime: 541-386-6603. There is never any charge for our services. For more information: HelpingHandsOregon.org ↗.
PO Box 441 Hood River OR 97031
Food, Emergency Housing & Energy Assistance
WAGAP • Bingen Food Bank
Website. Location: 115 W Steuben Street, Bingen. Open Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 - 3:30 pm, (closed 12-1 for lunch), 509-493-2662, ext 208.
WAGAP • Guided Path Shelter & Permanent Housing
Website. Shelter. Permanent Supportive Housing. Rental Assistance.
WAGAP • Washington Gorge Action Programs
WAGAP • Washington Gorge Action ProgramsHelp with Food • Shelter • Energy Assistance • Domestic Violence Prevention…Helping people. Changing lives.
Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Community Action Agency that helps individuals, families, and communities. WAGAP addresses basic human needs such as food, shelter, and energy assistance, and more, in Klickitat and Skamania Counties. For more than 50 years, WAGAP has helped people help themselves and reach self-sufficiency.
115 West Steuben Street Bingen WA 98605
Addiction, Recovery & Mental Health
12 Step Recovery Meetings • Trout Lake
Weekly Meeting. Wednesday @ 6:00 pm. Open to anyone interested in recovery from addiction, not just alcohol or drugs. Masks required. Location: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, 7 Church Street, Trout Lake, WA 98650. For information contact: cookieg@centurylink.net.
Web Page Directory. Resources for AA, NA, and Al-Anon Meetings.
COVID-19 Information
Klickitat County Department of Health
Website. Case counts and local resources.
Washington State Department of Health
Website. COVID-19 Data Dashboard.
CDC - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Website. Comprehensive COVID-19 guidance and resources.