The Mt. Adams area is administered by the Mt Adams Ranger District. This area is located in the eastern portions of Gifford Pinchot National Forest in southwest Washington and comprises 367,000 acres. This area includes Mt. Adams WildernessIndian Heaven Wilderness and Trapper Creek Wilderness.

Mt. Adams is a prominent landmark in the area. Elevations here range between 1200 feet at the Wind River Work Center, 12 miles north of Carson, WA., and 12,276 feet at the summit of Mt. Adams. Precipitation varies from 70.7 inches of rain and 65.1 inches of snow at the Wind River Work Center and 44.1 inches of rain and 95.7 inches of snow at the Mt. Adams Ranger District office in Trout Lake, WA. The area features a great diversity of habitats and features, from old growth to second growth forest, wetland areas, low and high elevation meadows, glaciers, and low and high elevation lakes.

Indian Heaven Wilderness

The 20,784 acre Indian Heaven Wilderness is a forested high plateau, dominated by fir (Pacific silver, noble, subalpine),...


Trapper Creek Wilderness

The 5,963 acre Trapper Creek Wilderness protects nearly all of the Trapper Creek drainage and provides critical anadromous...


Mt. Adams Wilderness

Mt. Adams Wilderness envelops an ecologically complex landscape along the west slope of Mt. Adams and its summit....


Mt. Adams Summit

At an elevation of 12,276 feet, Mt. Adams is the second highest peak in Washington; however, with an...


Goat Rocks Wilderness

The 108,023 acre Goat Rocks Wilderness is a part of the volcanic Cascade Mountain Range in southwestern Washington...


Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail #2000

This section of the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail traverses Indian Heaven Wilderness and Mt Adams Wilderness. Scenic...


Mt. Adams Ranger District • Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Public Restrooms • Outdoor Recreation & Tourist Information
Address 2455 Highway 141 Trout Lake WA 98650 Phone: 509-395-3402 Read More About: Mt. Adams Ranger District Website: Mt. Adams Ranger District Website: Gifford Pinchot National Forest